The André Offringa (ao) calibration solutions format

This format is output by calibrate and is documented in mwa-reduce as follows. Note that the startTime and endTime should be populated with "AIPS time", although calibrate appears to always write 0 for these. hyperdrive instead opts to write the centroid GPS times here (the end time is the last timestep inclusive).

Tiles are ordered by antenna number, i.e. the second column in the observation's corresponding metafits files labelled "antenna". Times and frequencies are sorted ascendingly.

mwa-reduce documentation

| Bytes  |  Description |
|  0- 7  |  string intro ; 8-byte null terminated string "MWAOCAL" |
|  8-11  |  int fileType ; always 0, reserved for indicating something other than complex Jones solutions |
| 12-15  |  int structureType ; always 0, reserved for indicating different ordering |
| 16-19  |  int intervalCount ; Number of solution intervals in file |
| 20-23  |  int antennaCount ; Number of antennas that were in the measurement set (but were not necessary all solved for) |
| 24-27  |  int channelCount ; Number of channels in the measurement set |
| 28-31  |  int polarizationCount ; Number of polarizations solved for -- always four. |
| 32-39  |  double startTime ; Start time of solutions (AIPS time) |
| 40-47  |  double endTime ; End time of solutions (AIPS time) |

After the header follow 2 x nSolution doubles, with

nSolutions = nIntervals * nAntennas * nChannels * nPols

Ordered in the way as given, so: double 0 : real of interval 0, antenna 0, channel 0, pol 0 double 1 : imaginary of interval 0, antenna 0, channel 0, pol 0 double 2 : real of interval 0, antenna 0, channel 0, pol 1 ... double 8 : real of interval 0, antenna 0, channel 1, pol 0 double nChannel x 8 : real of interval 0, antenna 1, channel 0, pol 0 etc.

here, ints are always 32 bits unsigned integers, doubles are IEEE double precision 64 bit floating points. If a solution is not available, either because no data were selected during calibration for this interval or because the calibration diverged, a "NaN" will be stored in the doubles belonging to that solution.