The RTS calibration solutions format

This format is extremely complicated and therefore its usage is discouraged. However, it is possible to convert RTS solutions to one of the other supported formats; a metafits file is required, and the directory containing the solutions (i.e. DI_JonesMatrices and BandpassCalibration files) is supplied:

Converting RTS solutions to another format

hyperdrive solutions-convert /path/to/rts/solutions/ rts-as-hyp-solutions.fits -m /path/to/obs.metafits

Once in another format, the solutions can also be plotted.

An example of RTS solutions can be found in the test_files directory (as a .tar.gz file). The code to read the solutions attempts to unpack and clarify the format, but it is messy.

Writing RTS solutions

I (CHJ) spent a very long time trying to make the writing of RTS solutions possible, but ultimately gave up. One particularly difficult detail here is that the RTS solutions contain a beam response; this could be either the MWA analytic or FEE beam. But its application to the solutions is not clear and difficult to reverse-engineer.

If you dare, there is incomplete commented-out code within hyperdrive that attempts to write out the solutions.