The hyperdrive calibration solutions format

Jones matrices are stored in a fits file as an "image" with 4 dimensions (timeblock, tile, chanblock, float, in that order) in the "SOLUTIONS" HDU (which is the second HDU). An element of the solutions is a 64-bit float (a.k.a. double-precision float). The last dimension always has a length of 8; these correspond to the complex gains of the X dipoles (\( g_x \)), the leakage of the X dipoles (\( D_x \)), then the leakage of the Y dipoles (\( D_y \)) and the gains of the Y dipoles (\( g_y \)); these form a complex 2x2 Jones matrix:

\[ \begin{pmatrix} g_x & D_x \\ D_y & g_y \end{pmatrix} \]

Tiles are ordered by antenna number, i.e. the second column in the observation's corresponding metafits files labelled "Antenna". Times and frequencies are sorted ascendingly.

Note that in the context of the MWA, "antenna" and "tile" are used interchangeably.


Many metadata keys are stored in HDU 1. All keys (in fact, all metadata) are optional.

OBSID describes the MWA observation ID, which is a GPS timestamp.

SOFTWARE reports the software used to write this fits file.

CMDLINE is the command-line call that produced this fits file.


MAXITER is the maximum number of iterations allowed for each chanblock's convergence.

S_THRESH is the stop threshold of calibration; chanblock iteration ceases once its precision is better than this.

M_THRESH is the minimum threshold of calibration; if a chanblock reaches the maximum number of iterations while calibrating and this minimum threshold has not been reached, we say that the chanblock failed to calibrate.

UVW_MIN and UVW_MAX are the respective minimum and maximum UVW cutoffs in metres. Any UVWs below or above these thresholds have baseline weights of 0 during calibration (meaning they effectively aren't used in calibration). UVW_MIN_L and UVW_MAX_L correspond to UVW_MIN and UVW_MAX, but are in wavelength units (the L stands for lambda).

Some MWA beam codes require a file for their calculations. BEAMFILE is the path to this file.

Raw MWA data corrections

PFB describes the PFB gains flavour applied to the raw MWA data. At the time of writing, this flavour is described as "jake", "cotter2014", "empirical", "levine", or "none".

D_GAINS is "Y" if the digital gains were applied to the raw MWA data. "N" if they were not.

CABLELEN is "Y" if the cable length corrections were applied to the raw MWA data. "N" if they were not.

GEOMETRY is "Y" if the geometric delay correction was applied to the raw MWA data. "N" if they were not.


MODELLER describes what was used to generate model visibilities in calibration. This is either CPU or details on the CUDA device used, e.g. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (capability 7.5, 7979 MiB), CUDA driver 11.7, runtime 11.7.

Extra HDUs

More metadata are contained in HDUs other than the first one (that which contains the metadata keys described above). Other than the first HDU and the "SOLUTIONS" HDU (HDUs 1 and 2, respectfully), all HDUs and their contents are optional.


See blocks for an explanation of what timeblocks are.

The "TIMEBLOCKS" HDU is a FITS table with three columns:

  1. Start
  2. End
  3. Average

Each row represents a calibration timeblock, and there must be the same number of rows as there are timeblocks in the calibration solutions (in the "SOLUTIONS" HDU). Each of these times is a centroid GPS timestamp.

It is possible to have one or multiple columns without data; cfitsio will write zeros for values, but hyperdrive will ignore columns with all zeros.

While average times are likely just the median of its corresponding start and end times, it need not be so; in this case, it helps to clarify that some timesteps in that calibration timeblock were not used. e.g. a start time of 10 and an end time of 16 probably has an average time of 13, but, if 3 of 4 timesteps in that timeblock are used, then the average time could be 12.666 or 13.333.


The "TILES" HDU is a FITS table with up to five columns:

  1. Antenna
  2. Flag
  3. TileName
  4. DipoleGains
  5. DipoleDelays

Antenna is the 0-N antenna index (where N is the total number of antennas in the observation). These indices match the "Antenna" column of an MWA metafits file.

Flag is a boolean indicating whether an antenna was flagged for calibration (1) or not (0).

TileName is the... name of the tile. As with Antenna, this should match the contents of an MWA metafits file.

DipoleGains contains the dipole gains used for each tile in calibration. There are 32 values per tile; the first 16 are for the X dipoles and the second 16 are for the Y dipoles. Typically, the values are either 0 (dead dipole) or 1.

DipoleDelays contains the dipole delays used for each tile in calibration. There are 16 values per tile.


See blocks for an explanation of what chanblocks are.

The "CHANBLOCKS" HDU is a FITS table with up to three columns:

  1. Index
  2. Flag
  3. Freq

Index is the 0-N chanblock index (where N is the total number of chanblocks in the observation). Note that this is not necessarily the same as the total number of channels in the observation; channels may be averaged before calibration, making the number of chanblocks less than the number of channels.

Flag indicates whether calibration was attempted (0) or not (1) on a chanblock (boolean).

Freq is the centroid frequency of the chanblock (as a double-precision float). If any of the frequencies is an NaN, then hyperdrive will not use the Freq column.

RESULTS (Calibration results)

The "RESULTS" HDU is a FITS image with two dimensions -- timeblock and chanblock, in that order -- that describe the precision to which a chanblock converged for that timeblock (as double-precision floats). If a chanblock was flagged, NaN is provided for its precision. NaN is also listed for chanblocks that completely failed to calibrate.

These calibration precisions must have the same number of timeblocks and chanblocks described by the calibration solutions (in the "SOLUTIONS" HDU).


The "BASELINES" HDU is a FITS image with one dimension. The values of the "image" (let's call it an array) are the double-precision float baseline weights used in calibration (controlled by UVW minimum and maximum cutoffs). The length of the array is the total number of baselines (i.e. flagged and unflagged). Flagged baselines have weights of NaN, e.g. baseline 0 is between antennas 0 and 1, but if antenna 1 is flagged, the weight of baseline 0 is NaN, but baseline 1 is between antennas 0 and 2 so it has a value other than NaN.

These baseline weights must have a non-NaN value for all tiles in the observation (e.g. if there are 128 tiles in the calibration solutions, then there must be 8128 baseline weights).

Python code for reading

A full example of reading and plotting solutions is here, but simple examples of reading solutions and various metadata are below.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from import fits

f ="hyperdrive_solutions.fits")
sols = f["SOLUTIONS"].data
num_timeblocks, num_tiles, num_chanblocks, _ = sols.shape

obsid = f[0].header["OBSID"]
pfb_flavour = f[0].header["PFB"]
start_times = f[0].header["S_TIMES"]

tile_names = [tile["TileName"] for tile in f["TILES"].data]
tile_flags = [tile["Flag"] for tile in f["TILES"].data]

freqs = [chan["FREQ"] for chan in f["CHANBLOCKS"].data]

cal_precisions_for_timeblock_0 = f["RESULTS"].data[0]