Installing hyperdrive from source code


hyperdrive depends on these C libraries:

  • Ubuntu: libcfitsio-dev
  • Arch: cfitsio
  • Library and include dirs can be specified manually with CFITSIO_LIB and CFITSIO_INC
    • If not specified, pkg-config is used to find the library.
  • Can compile statically; use the cfitsio-static or all-static features.
    • Requires a C compiler and autoconf.
  • Ubuntu: libhdf5-dev
  • Arch: hdf5
  • The library dir can be specified manually with HDF5_DIR
    • If not specified, pkg-config is used to find the library.
  • Can compile statically; use the hdf5-static or all-static features.
    • Requires CMake version 3.10 or higher.

Optional dependencies

freetype2 (for calibration solutions plotting)

  • Only required if the plotting feature is enabled (which it is by default)
  • Version must be >=2.11.1
  • Arch: pkg-config make cmake freetype2
  • Ubuntu: libfreetype-dev libexpat1-dev
  • Installation may be eased by using the fontconfig-dlopen feature. This means that libfontconfig is used at runtime, and not found and linked at link time.

CUDA (for accelerated sky modelling with NVIDIA GPUs)

  • Only required if the cuda feature is enabled
  • Requires a CUDA-capable device
  • Arch: cuda
  • Ubuntu and others: Download link
  • The library dir can be specified manually with CUDA_LIB
    • If not specified, /usr/local/cuda and /opt/cuda are searched.
  • Can link statically; use the cuda-static or all-static features.

HIP (for accelerated sky modelling with AMD GPUs)

  • Only required if either the hip feature is enabled
  • Requires a HIP-capable device (N.B. This seems to be incomplete)
  • Arch:
  • Ubuntu and others: Download link
  • The installation dir can be specified manually with HIP_PATH
    • If not specified, /opt/rocm/hip is used.
  • N.B. Despite HIP installations being able to run HIP code on NVIDIA GPUs, this is not supported by hyperdrive; please compile with the CUDA instructions above.

Installing Rust


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

hyperdrive is written in Rust, so a Rust environment is required. The Rust book has excellent information to do this. Similar, perhaps more direct information is here.

Do not use apt to install Rust components.

Installing hyperdrive from

cargo install mwa_hyperdrive --locked

If you want to download the source code and install it yourself, read on.

Manually installing from the hyperdrive repo

Clone the git repo and point cargo to it:

git clone
cargo install --path mwa_hyperdrive --locked

This will install hyperdrive to ~/.cargo/bin/hyperdrive. This binary can be moved anywhere and it will still work. The installation destination can be changed by setting CARGO_HOME.

Further optimisation

It is possible to compile with more optimisations if you give --profile production to the cargo install command. This may make things a few percent faster, but compilation will take much longer.


Do you have a CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPU? Ensure you have installed CUDA (instructions are above), find your CUDA device's compute capability here (e.g. Geforce RTX 2070 is 7.5), and set a variable with this information (note the lack of a period in the number):


Now you can compile hyperdrive with CUDA enabled (single-precision floats):

cargo install --path . --locked --features=cuda,gpu-single

If you're using "datacentre" products (e.g. a V100 available on the Pawsey-hosted supercomputer "garrawarla"), you probably want double-precision floats:

cargo install --path . --locked --features=cuda

You can still compile with double-precision on a desktop GPU, but it will be much slower than single-precision.

If you get a compiler error, it may be due to a compiler mismatch. CUDA releases are compatible with select versions of gcc, so it's important to keep the CUDA compiler happy. You can select a custom C++ compiler with the CXX variable, e.g. CXX=/opt/cuda/bin/g++.


Do you have a HIP-capable AMD GPU? Ensure you have installed HIP (instructions are above), and compile with the hip feature (single-precision floats):

cargo install --path . --locked --features=hip,gpu-single

If you're using "datacentre" products (e.g. the GPUs on the "setonix" supercomputer), you probably want double-precision floats:

cargo install --path . --locked --features=hip

You can still compile with double-precision on a desktop GPU, but it will be much slower than single-precision.

If you are encountering problems, you may need to set your HIP_PATH variable.

Static dependencies

The aforementioned C libraries can each be compiled by cargo. all-static will statically-link all dependencies (including CUDA, if CUDA is enabled) such that you need not have these libraries available to use hyperdrive. Individual dependencies can be statically compiled and linked, e.g. cfitsio-static. See the dependencies list above for more information.

Multiple features

cargo features can be chained in a comma-separated list:

cargo install --path . --locked --features=cuda,all-static


If you're having problems compiling, it's possible you have an older Rust toolchain installed. Try updating it:

rustup update

If that doesn't help, try cleaning the local build directories:

cargo clean

and try compiling again. If you're still having problems, raise a GitHub issue describing your system and what you've tried.

Changes from older versions

hyperdrive used to depend on the ERFA C library. It now uses a pure-Rust equivalent.