Getting started

Do you want to do some calibration, but don't know how to start? Can't remember what that command-line argument is called? If ever you're in doubt, consult the help text:

# Top-level help
hyperdrive --help

# di-calibrate help
hyperdrive di-calibrate --help

di-calibrate is one of many subcommands. Subcommands are accessed by typing them after hyperdrive. Each subcommand accepts --help (as well as -h). Detailed usage information on each subcommand can be seen in the table of contents of this book. More information on subcommands as a concept is below.


hyperdrive itself is split into many subcommands. These are simple to list:

hyperdrive -h
# OR
hyperdrive --help

Output (edited for brevity):


The help text for these is accessible in a similar way:

hyperdrive solutions-plot -h
# OR
hyperdrive solutions-plot --help
hyperdrive-solutions-plot 0.2.0-alpha.11
Plot calibration solutions. Only available if compiled with the "plotting" feature.

    hyperdrive solutions-plot [OPTIONS] [SOLUTIONS_FILES]...


    -r, --ref-tile <REF_TILE>    The reference tile to use. If this isn't specified, the best one from the end is used
    -n, --no-ref-tile            Don't use a reference tile. Using this will ignore any input for `ref_tile`
        --ignore-cross-pols      Don't plot XY and YX polarisations
        --min-amp <MIN_AMP>      The minimum y-range value on the amplitude gain plots
        --max-amp <MAX_AMP>      The maximum y-range value on the amplitude gain plots
    -m, --metafits <METAFITS>    The metafits file associated with the solutions. This provides additional information on the plots, like the tile names
    -v, --verbosity              The verbosity of the program. Increase by specifying multiple times (e.g. -vv). The default is to print only high-level information
    -h, --help                   Print help information
    -V, --version                Print version information


It's possible to save keystrokes when subcommands aren't ambiguous, e.g. use solutions-p as an alias for solutions-plot:

hyperdrive solutions-p
<help text for "solutions-plot">

This works because there is no other subcommand that solutions-p could refer to. On the other hand, solutions won't be accepted because both solutions-plot and solutions-convert exist.

di-c works for di-calibrate. Unfortunately this is not perfect; the - is required even though di should be enough.