Simple usage of DI calibrate


DI calibration is done with the di-calibrate subcommand, i.e.

hyperdrive di-calibrate

At the very least, this requires:


Raw MWA data

A metafits file is always required when reading raw MWA data. mwaf files are optional.

For "legacy" MWA data:

hyperdrive di-calibrate -d *gpubox*.fits *.metafits *.mwaf -s a_good_sky_model.yaml

or for MWAX:

hyperdrive di-calibrate -d *ch???*.fits *.metafits *.mwaf -s a_good_sky_model.yaml

Measurement sets

Note that a metafits may not be required, but is generally a good idea.

hyperdrive di-calibrate -d *.ms *.metafits -s a_good_sky_model.yaml


Note that a metafits may not be required, but is generally a good idea.

hyperdrive di-calibrate -d *.uvfits *.metafits -s a_good_sky_model.yaml