Installing hyperdrive from pre-compiled binaries

Visit the GitHub releases page. You should see releases like the following:

Release example

  • Under "Assets", download one of the tar.gz files starting with mwa_hyperdrive;
  • Untar it (e.g. tar -xvf mwa_hyperdrive*.tar.gz); and
  • Run the binary (./hyperdrive).

If you intend on running hyperdrive on a desktop GPU, then you probably want the "CUDA-single" release. You can still use the double-precision version on a desktop GPU, but it will be much slower than single-precision. Instructions to install CUDA are on the next page.

It is possible to run hyperdrive with HIP (i.e. the AMD equivalent to NVIDIA's CUDA), but HIP does not appear to offer static libraries, so no static feature is provided, and users will need to compile hyperdrive themselves with instructions on the next page.


The pre-compiled binaries are made by GitHub actions using:

cargo build --release --locked --no-default-features --features=hdf5-static,cfitsio-static

This means they cannot plot calibration solutions. "CUDA-double" binaries have the cuda feature and "CUDA-single" binaries have the cuda and gpu-single features. CUDA cannot legally be statically linked so a local installation of CUDA is required.