The hyperdrive source list format

Coordinates are right ascension (RA) and declination, both with units of degrees in the J2000 epoch. All frequencies are in Hz and all flux densities are in Jy.

All Gaussian and shapelet sizes are in arcsec, but their position angles are in degrees. In an image space where RA increases from right to left (i.e. bigger RA values are on the left), position angles rotate counter clockwise. A position angle of 0 has the major axis aligned with the declination axis.

hyperdrive-style source lists can be read from and written to either the YAML or JSON file formats (YAML preferred). Example Python code to read and write these files is in the examples directory.

As most sky-models only include Stokes I, Stokes Q, U and V are not required to be specified. If they are not specified, they are assumed to have values of 0.

YAML example

The following are the contents of a valid YAML file. super_sweet_source1 is a single-component point source with a list-type flux density. super_sweet_source2 has two components: one Gaussian with a power law, and a shapelet with a curved power law.

- ra: 10.0
  dec: -27.0
  comp_type: point
    - freq: 150000000.0
      i: 10.0
    - freq: 170000000.0
      i: 5.0
      q: 1.0
      u: 2.0
      v: 3.0
- ra: 0.0
  dec: -35.0
      maj: 20.0
      min: 10.0
      pa: 75.0
      si: -0.8
        freq: 170000000.0
        i: 5.0
        q: 1.0
        u: 2.0
        v: 3.0
- ra: 155.0
  dec: -10.0
      maj: 20.0
      min: 10.0
      pa: 75.0
      - n1: 0
        n2: 1
        value: 0.5
      si: -0.6
        freq: 150000000.0
        i: 50.0
        q: 0.5
        u: 0.1
      q: 0.2

JSON example

The following are the contents of a valid JSON file. super_sweet_source1 is a single-component point source with a list-type flux density. super_sweet_source2 has two components: one Gaussian with a power law, and a shapelet with a curved power law.

  "super_sweet_source1": [
      "ra": 10.0,
      "dec": -27.0,
      "comp_type": "point",
      "flux_type": {
        "list": [
            "freq": 150000000.0,
            "i": 10.0
            "freq": 170000000.0,
            "i": 5.0,
            "q": 1.0,
            "u": 2.0,
            "v": 3.0
  "super_sweet_source2": [
      "ra": 0.0,
      "dec": -35.0,
      "comp_type": {
        "gaussian": {
          "maj": 20.0,
          "min": 10.0,
          "pa": 75.0
      "flux_type": {
        "power_law": {
          "si": -0.8,
          "fd": {
            "freq": 170000000.0,
            "i": 5.0,
            "q": 1.0,
            "u": 2.0,
            "v": 3.0
      "ra": 155.0,
      "dec": -10.0,
      "comp_type": {
        "shapelet": {
          "maj": 20.0,
          "min": 10.0,
          "pa": 75.0,
          "coeffs": [
              "n1": 0,
              "n2": 1,
              "value": 0.5
      "flux_type": {
        "curved_power_law": {
          "si": -0.6,
          "fd": {
            "freq": 150000000.0,
            "i": 50.0,
            "q": 0.5,
            "u": 0.1
          "q": 0.2